Sculptures and Models of Other Items
Spawning Coho Salmon
Alumni Exhibits fabricated a school of spawning Coho salmon to hang at the Harnish Visitor Center in Eagle Point, Oregon. During their spawning phase, the jaws of the Coho salmon become hooked, and they develop bright red sides along with spotted heads and backs.
See more of our work at this location: Harnish Visitor Center, Eagle Point, Oregon
Spawning Coho Salmon
Alumni Exhibits fabricated a school of spawning Coho salmon to hang at the Harnish Visitor Center in Eagle Point, Oregon. During their spawning phase, the jaws of the Coho salmon become hooked, and they develop bright red sides along with spotted heads and backs.
See more of our work at this location: Harnish Visitor Center, Eagle Point, Oregon
Spawning Coho Salmon
Alumni Exhibits fabricated a school of spawning Coho salmon to hang at the Harnish Visitor Center in Eagle Point, Oregon. During their spawning phase, the jaws of the Coho salmon become hooked, and they develop bright red sides along with spotted heads and backs.
See more of our work at this location: Harnish Visitor Center, Eagle Point, Oregon
Coho salmon
lumni Exhibits fabricated a naturalistic school of five Coho salmon to hang in front of the Orca model on display in the Bear Valley Visitor Center. The five salmon are all different sizes and in different postures to closely resemble a wild population scattering in front of the hungry Orca.
See more of our work at this location: Bear Valley Visitor Center, Point Reyes National Seashore, California.
Coho salmon prior to installation
Alumni Exhibits fabricated a naturalistic school of five Coho salmon to hang in front of the Orca model on display in the Bear Valley Visitor Center. The five salmon are all different sizes and in different postures to closely resemble a wild population scattering in front of the hungry Orca.
See more of our work at this location: Bear Valley Visitor Center, Point Reyes National Seashore, California.
Orca whale and Coho salmon exhibit during installation.
Alumni Exhibits fabricated a naturalistic school of five Coho salmon to hang in front of the Orca model on display in the Bear Valley Visitor Center. The five salmon are all different sizes and in different postures to closely resemble a wild population scattering in front of the hungry Orca.
See more of our work at this location: Bear Valley Visitor Center, Point Reyes National Seashore, California.
Plastic, wire, paint, natural bristles.
These items are on display at American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West at 79th Street, New York, NY. (Click on link to go to Museum's page.)
Plastic, wire, paint, natural bristles.
These items are on display at American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West at 79th Street, New York, NY. (Click on link to go to Museum's page.)
Zooplankton on display
Location: Alaska Sealife Center. For more information, visit the site of the Alaska Sealife Center
Overview of the interactive tide pool exhibit and mural.
Alumnit Exhibits completed this interactive tide pool exhibit and mural for the Point Reyes National Seashore.
See more of our work at this location: Bear Valley Visitor Center, Point Reyes National Seashore, California.
Starfish detail from the Tidepool Exhibit
Interactive tide pool exhibit and painted acrylic murals.
See more of our work at this location: Bear Valley Visitor Center, Point Reyes National Seashore, California.
Tide Pool Detail
Interactive tide pool exhibit and painted acrylic murals.
See more of our work at this location: Bear Valley Visitor Center, Point Reyes National Seashore, California.
Detail from the tide pool exhibit
Interactive tide pool exhibit and painted acrylic murals.
See more of our work at this location: Bear Valley Visitor Center, Point Reyes National Seashore, California.
Mako Shark at the California Academy of Sciences
This Mako short-finned shark was painted and refined from a commercial fiberglass casting. See more of our work at this location: California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, California.
Sailfish, repaired and repainted for the California Academy of Sciences
See more of our work at this location: California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, California.
Tuna, repaired and repainted for the California Academy of Sciences
See more of our work at this location: California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, California.